This Is Your Exclusive Invitation To The Most Cosmic Peer To Peer Business Group Ever

The Multiverse’s Business Neural Network For Coaches Healers and Health Freaks Who Want To Connect, Share Ideas & Mastermind Because People Like You Need People Like You

Hey star being, I feel your deepest desires

You’re ready to pop on your glitter suit and expand your business, mindset and lifestyle to infinity and beyond.

  • To stop playing small, cast off your self doubt and embrace your greatness so you can change the world at lighting speed with your Vision Of Love (and you know we all need your skills and talents to ripple across the planet right now).

  • To get rid of overworking, say no to chasing the next shiny object, stop trading time for money and trying to figure out what’s working now using Google or spying on your competitors.

  • To finally embrace high vibe world changing ideas, to build conscious business relationships, to commit to constructive working patterns and say yes to unlimited abundance every second of the day.

  • And to build a profitable, scalable business that gives you the time freedom you’ve always craved…


And you already know that Googling free info leads you to outdated and incomplete advice, with no provable metrics to back it up.

If the Google MBA was real, every new coach, healer and health freak business owner would be instantly dripping in diamonds and pearls.

Are you over “One weird trick” and “get my templates” marketing already?

You’re busy building your business, and thinking about the best strategies to scale it in a way that works for your lifestyle. You don’t want to wade through any more HOW TO anything. You’re crystal clear on your end goal, but you’ve tried the traditional ways and they don’t cut the mustard.

  • Joining Facebook Groups in a vain attempt to find like minded souls on your wavelength but it doesn’t happen so you end up tuning out.

  • Going to organised local business breakfasts and cocktail evenings in an attempt to network but then needing three days to recover (I see you empaths).

  • Joining expensive high end masterminds that are supposed to be for people like you but you soon realise that you just don’t connect in the same way as them.

And how does it work out for you? You feel like an outcast, that no one gets you, that you’ll never find your flock, you feel frustrated that you can’t mind meld with anyone and you eventually give up trying.

Self employment can be a lonely life, but you’d rather hide at your kitchen table than try and poke your head out there again.

That’s why more courses, more Facebook groups, more high end masterminds is not your answer. You need something different, because you are different.


You need flexible, fast, fun, informative online meetings where you can inspire, be inspired, help and be helped, and finally connect with people who really see your multidimensional magnificence.

You don’t need to be that angel fish trying to connect in a sea full of sharks any more. You need to meet very specific people who have your back, all the way. And when you do, those people become like honorary CEOs of your business, so you’re no longer making iffy decisions on your own anymore. You’re sharing your plans with people who have already been there, so you can execute your new plans with confidence, which will increase your profit in no time.
You need people like you

The three hidden gems that set apart those successful coaches, healers and health freaks who have high profit, only do what they love and enjoy time freedom from the 80% of business owners that fail

Those who are changing the world with their Vision Of Love have three things in common:

  • They create strategies and systems around everything, so others can work IN the business while they continue to work ON their business growth.

  • They align with a mentor who has trodden the path before them, and being in their presence lights the way for them to fulfil their own destiny.

  • They choose a worldwide cosmic network of other star beings so they finally feel like they belong somewhere, so they can help and be helped, so they can cast aside unpredictable ads and rely on affiliate partners, and so they can reach for the stars where they will finally feel home.

Imagine how satisfied you’d feel if your business:

  • Finally started producing the financial results you crave so you could give your family the security, fun and lifestyle you wish for them (and you).

  • Didn’t require you to trade time for money so you can can grow it to infinity and beyond which means you will be able to help many more people.

  • Changed the world according to your very own Vision Of Love and left behind a legacy that would be felt for eternity.

How would you feel? How differently would you show up? How would you enjoy influencing others to step up to become the greatest version of themselves?

We can all rise together, the moment you commit to yourself.

Do you feel fully ready to commit to yourself and become that shining star the world so desperately needs?

Who Am I And Why Am I Committed To Your Business Expansion?

I'm a Brit with a worldwide audience

In 2000 the Internet made me famous and I changed the world doing what I love. 12 years, 1 famous health food business, 5 revolutionary books, 2 signature clubs, a Sky TV show, a million download app and $20M later, I retired aged just 43.
This is me with my daughter Evie

I live in my beautiful eco home with my fluffball Ripley and my daughter Evie.

I've been a hands on single mum since she was born. My "work two hours a day in my online business" mantra made all this possible, and that's what I want to teach you. Let's get started.
Shazzie's timeline

If you have a business idea, if you’ve been trained in your Vision Of Love but don’t know how to build a business, or if you have a business but you haven’t learned to scale it, I bet you’re feeling confused, frustrated and even sometimes toy with the idea of giving up, like 80% of budding business owners.

And you know that the normal courses, masterminds and networking events JUST DON’T WORK FOR PEOPLE LIKE YOU.

You need a completely different, more heart centred approach.
Star being

And I want you to know

When you finally get your business off the ground, when you can scale it, and when you can change the world, your life will change forever.

Since 2000, I’ve put my business first, because I refuse to be one of those people who lives with what if, if only, I should have eating away at my heart. If you don’t get your calling out into the multiverse, your soul will never feel free…
Glitter book

Because your Vision Of Love is the reason you exist

And once you shuffle your business systems, scale to infinity and create a Legacy Of Love, you will be able to command huge speaking fees, get a book contract, joint venture with other starts, or even host your own TV show, just like I did.


And there’s a delicious side salad to cracking your business code:

You’ll find you become an all round better human being. I always say building your business will become your biggest spiritual practice.

Your relationships will improve, you’ll make better decisions, you won’t crumble or over react under pressure (dum dum de dum dum dum dum), you’ll be so full of joy and light, you’ll inspire millions of others to tread your path too.
Man meditating

So are you ready to become that kind of person?

Then here’s what you’re going to get when you say yes:

  • Four Pure Minds Meetings per month, three of them are an hour long, and then there's a two hour implementation session each month (at different times and different days to suit people all over the world)

    A $397 Value Per Month

    This is your chance to connect with people exactly like you, so you can learn something new, bring something valuable to the table or mastermind to resolve your most pressing business problems at the speed of lightning. This is hosted by me, with my 21 years of online business building experience — no one in the world knows what I know about business, but now you can! Each meeting is 60 minutes long (one session a month is two hours long), and I moderate the speakers so it stays fun, fast and educational. If you have a pressing question that you want to mastermind, you can say so in the chat and we will do our best to get you on in that session. We have a loose theme every week, and we allow time for pressing issues too. All these meetings are recorded and added to your membership area, so you can check your notes or catch up if you miss a meeting.

  • Regular business training or business inspiration bonus files, that unlock over time.

    Average monthly value $97

    The longer you stay in Pure Minds, the more you’ll get. Want to know how to build your very own signature club? I’ve got you covered. Want to know exactly where to start with your business even if you don’t have an idea or product yet? Study my training. Want inspiration from the world’s biggest visionaries? Yes — I have that too. Want to take $30K in your first six months? Follow my guide. Want to affirm your way to a better life? Well as a million-download iTunes author, I’m extremely well known for my guided meditations and affirmations… and you get those too. In fact, the bonuses go on unlocking for the duration of your membership, even if you stay with me for years — because after 21 years in online business, I have more valuable training than anyone else I know, and it’s all yours.

  • 8 Days To Business Success Video Training Course

    A $197 Value

    The second you join, you get lifetime access to my big thank you training course that will help you change the way you think about business and abundance in just eight days.


Value $247, yours for FREE

And to top it all off, I want you to be able to get started earning in your business immediately. This is why I've added in these three step by step video trainings that will help you: 1) Discover your Vision Of Love so you never compromise your life again 2) Design your three 1-1 coaching or healing packages that will give you rapid and reliable revenue 3) Rapidly get your first client via Facebook THEN fill up your calendar with this advanced yet simple to learn formula There's an accompanying workbook to help you plan with precision, too.
Get started immediately


Worth Thousands In Discounts That Could 10X Your Business Growth

Over time, as you unlock more bonuses, you’ll also unlock exclusive offers for my products and services that you can't find anywhere else. Watch out for the absolute overgenerocity of my heart… I just want you to succeed.

How Pure Minds Works


    We meet at varied times and dates weekly on Zoom for an hour (two hours once a month to implement). You can share, mastermind, inspire, ask, be inspired, listen, take notes, connect. We also chat about the weekly theme. I host and moderate the sessions. If you can’t make a session, you can still get your weekly juice from the recordings.


    When you join, there is already that $197 Value course waiting for you. There’s other stuff too… just look for the blue heart (💙). Everything else unlocks over time. The longer you stay, the more training in between our meetings you’ll get.


    You’ll find some are available straight away, and some will unlock over time like your bonuses. You won’t be able to get these offers normally, and I’ve hand picked each one to help your business gently expand to infinity over time.



It's $97 per month and you can self cancel any time

Remember when you join, you'll get that Business Mindset training and other bonuses to enjoy IMMEDIATELY, as well as previous meetings that have been recorded before your fist live weekly meeting with us.


It's a one off payment of $3,997 (normally $4,997) and you get instant business lift off with me

See below for all Pure Luxxx details. Once you've paid, I'll contact you within 48 hours to arrange your amazing 1-1 package.


To spread your payments over four months, choose this option. It's $1,097 (usually $1,277) for four months and you can get still instant business lift off with me

See below for all Pure Luxxx details. Once you've paid, I'll contact you within 48 hours to arrange your amazing 1-1 package.

What’s Pure Luxxx?

And more importantly, why do you need it?

If you want me to work directly with you to get you off the starting block then, then Pure Luxxx is your answer.
My private clients get the best help ever

This is what you get:

  • Lifetime access to Pure Minds

    $1,164 Value per year

    You'll be a founder member of my new revolution with nothing more to pay ever!

  • Visioning Day

    $3,997 Value

    A whole virtual business day with just me and you where we plan your next year with absolute precision, so you know exactly what you need to do to hit your revenue goals.

  • PDF Business Plan

    $997 Value

    I’ll make you a beautiful PDF of your plan so you can follow it to the letter to make your business a reality.

Plus you get this:

  • 3 x 2 Hour Business Implementation Meetings

    $6,000 Value

    We’ll work together over three two hour business meetings to create whatever needs creating. This could be a web site refresh, your logo and brand designed, your sales pages co written, your home page organised, your Facebook page created, your Facebook ads system set up – whatever you need help with the most, we will do. This image shows some of the work I’ve done with previous private clients using this system.

  • WhatsApp Messages for 3 months

    $1,197 Value

    Feel confident making decisions by running them by me first. This is like having a CEO with 21 years experience in you boardroom for three whole months. Can you imagine how quickly this will elevate your business?

  • HUGE BONUS: Lifetime access to my boutique business club

    $12,858 Value

    I want you to succeed because our planet needs your Vision Of Love now more than ever. That’s why, if you know we can realise your business dreams together, and you are ready for a lifetime of love and support, you can get full access to my exclusive Grow Your First Million Members Club. Part one is the step-by-step training that will take you from where you are now to a million using six different business model options and a sales toolkit that will multiply your revenue overnight. Part two is live support forever in the guise of weekly masterminds, a private Facebook community and other live group training directly with myself. The club also has over 40 business building bonus tools which takes out all the guesswork so you’re never left wondering how to do something.

Interested in Pure Luxxx but want to chat with me first?

Let's Zoom to make sure it's right for you

Pure Luxxx is a fast way for me to help you get your business off the ground, plus you get lifetime access to Pure Minds AND my business training club. So if you're interested in Pure Luxxx, and want to make sure it's right for you, then just message me by clicking the button below. We can then arrange a Zoom video chat to make sure it's exactly what you need.
I see you

Be aware that due to the hands on nature of this package, I limit availability. I reserve the right to remove this package without notice.

CURRENT GYFM CLUB MEMBERS: you get a $1000 discount on Pure Luxxx, contact me for the link.

  • So if you’re shaking with excitement right now and definitely want me to physically help you start your business, you really do need to say yes now to secure your space by selecting one of the two Pure Luxxx buttons above or below. *PAYMENT PLAN OPTION: Please note that you have to have paid two installments before you can take your Visioning Day with me, but all other access is instant.


The easiest way for you to grab your Pure Luxxx is to apply for PayPal credit (you get an almost instant answer).

When you use PayPal credit to pay in full, you won’t have to start paying anything for 4-6 months (country dependant), and it’s interest free in that time. Using a new browser window, just go to your PayPal account and search for PayPal credit. Apply for PayPal Credit (it's fast), then come back here to complete your transaction. You can only use this when applying for Pure Luxxx Pay In Full (not payment plan).
PayPal Credit gives you the flexibility you need

If you listen to your own advice for too long, you’ll turn into the Mad Hatter

You absolutely can’t succeed as an echo chamber of one, you aren’t wired that way. You need to plug into your cosmic neural network to fully thrive.

  • But I don’t want you to join this cosmic neural network if you’re not willing to give as well as take, if you’re not willing to act on the advice you receive, or if you are a professional complainer.

  • Our community is made up of anyone who wants to change the world, and we embrace every version of human in existence. If you have some non-inclusive judgements, please go elsewhere.

  • If you’re a high vibe, heart centred, self aware, action taker then I welcome you into my Temple Of Love so you can rapidly transform your business with people like you.

If time exists, how much of it is left in your own personal sand timer?

Because I’ve opened the portal — the next step is up to you.

Are you ready to finally build that highly profitable business that gives you all the time freedom you crave by joining our Cosmic Neural Network?
I see you

The Emperor of masterminds Napoleon Hill said:

“No two minds ever come together without, thereby, creating a third, invisible, intangible force which may be likened to a third mind.”

What we dream up together will create the new world we crave… this is bigger than any of us, and that’s why I invite you to fulfil your destiny alongside people like you, now.
I see you

Your questions answered

Click on your question

  • When are the meetings?

    The days vary, as do the times, but during the month we rotate like this: Mondays 4pm, Wednesdays 7:30pm, Tuesdays 10am, then Saturday implementation is 2pm for two hours. We use the UK time zone, even though our members are worldwide, so if you're not in the UK, you just need to convert to your time zone. I send a prompt to the group beforehand too.

  • What if I can't make a meeting?

    All meetings are recorded, so although you can't chat and mastermind, you can still get the training. Plus when one person masterminds, everyone benefits from the process, live or not. When you join, you'll also be able to watch all our previous meetings, which is invaluable business training, and it will introduce you to your new business buddies.

  • Will I definitely get to mastermind?

    If you know my work, I keep my groups intimate. When Pure Minds grows, I'll make new groups. This means, that if you join now you'll stay in my group and I'll get to know your business, and what you need. I personally make sure the masterminding is fair. We do about four masterminds each session, and we can share screens to look at your sales pages, ads, business plan, branding or anything else too. Remember on our implementation day, you'll have the opportunity to work with me and others just as if you're in an office.

  • What if I don't like it?

    After getting this far, it's probably a perfect match for you, but if you want to cancel, you can do so any time by following the simple instructions inside Pure Minds. Once you cancel, we will remove you from the Facebook group within 48 hours of cancellation. you'll still have access to the rest of that month's meetings, but after that you'll lose access to Pure Minds.

  • What do you talk about in the meetings?

    During our two hour implementation meeting that happens once a month, we purely mastermind and chat. During the other three monthly sessions, we choose a subject each week that we all contribute to. This takes up about half of the time, and we mastermind for the other half hour. This means when you need a 21 year CEO's help the most, you've got it... every single week.



It's $97 per month and you can self cancel any time

Remember when you join, you'll get that Business Mindset training and other bonuses to enjoy IMMEDIATELY, as well as previous meetings that have been recorded before your fist live weekly meeting with us.


It's a one off payment of $3,997 (normally $4,997) and you get instant business lift off with me

See below for all Pure Luxxx details. Once you've paid, I'll contact you within 48 hours to arrange your amazing 1-1 package.


To spread your payments over four months, choose this option. It's $1,097 (usually $1,277) for four months and you can get still instant business lift off with me

See below for all Pure Luxxx details. Once you've paid, I'll contact you within 48 hours to arrange your amazing 1-1 package.

Interested in Pure Luxxx but want to chat with me first?

Let's Zoom to make sure it's right for you

Pure Luxxx is a fast way for me to help you get your business off the ground, plus you get lifetime access to Pure Minds AND my business training club. So if you're interested in Pure Luxxx, and want to make sure it's right for you, then just message me by clicking the button below. We can then arrange a Zoom video chat to make sure it's exactly what you need.
I see you


The easiest way for you to grab your Pure Luxxx is to apply for PayPal credit (you get an almost instant answer).

When you use PayPal credit to pay in full, you won’t have to start paying anything for 4-6 months (country dependant), and it’s interest free in that time. Using a new browser window, just go to your PayPal account and search for PayPal credit. Apply for PayPal Credit (it's fast), then come back here to complete your transaction. You can only use this when applying for Pure Luxxx Pay In Full (not payment plan).
PayPal Credit gives you the flexibility you need


My Lifetime Promise

I started my first online membership in 2008. It still exists for previous members.

When I say lifetime, I mean for the lifetime of the club, with one year’s notice and the ability to download everything. I haven’t yet taken a membership offline, so don’t expect me to do that to Pure Minds, I just have to give you a disclaimer.
Shazzie and books

I'll let Prince have the last word

Because He Is The Expanded Guardian Of The Multiverse And He Looks Over All Of Us

I Would Die 4U